"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"
Chico Marx (Duck Soup)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Second Assignment task & feedback

Feedback from the second assignment came this week, and it was generally spot-on. Lots of great ideas to fix up what I'd written. In particular, how to make what I'd written into a better online article, rather than just a text-based piece. Mind you though, it's always confronting for a writer (no matter how confident or ortherwise) to examine exacting feedback on their 'creation'.

The process of having the article commissioned, writing it, and getting it edited by another colleague was also a challenging process. Mainly because I think J and I were a little confused over the actual process, and what was expected within the assignment. Generally we completed the task that was required, albeit rather sloppily from my end - no fault of J's. Communication during the process was via email, so at times it seemed to lag a little. Probably through my own slow reading and responding to emails. Nonetheless, J and I managed something reasonable, and it went into our first week or launch of our website - Open Book Melbourne.

Mind you it was lots of fun gathering the material for the article - that is visiting the bookshops and taking photos, and requesting interviews. My son even got in on the act, as you can see with last post's photo of the apple tree.

PS. Picture above is from Anthony Browne - one of the best modern children's illustrators from Britain, and a huge personal favourite. The picture is from his award winning bok Gorilla.

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