"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"
Chico Marx (Duck Soup)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pop-up books and videos

I love pop-up books.

Last semester I did Professional Communication, and one of the major assessments was to orally present a presentation convincing the other students in the class that you had a fabulous commissioning idea on an old out-of-print book.

Now naturally I took this on a creative side bender, and considered resurrecting an out-of-print book - but bringing it back as a glorious pop-up book al la Robert Sabuda (the picture above). My book was Jorg Louis Borges Book of Imaginary Beasts; a fantastical cavalcade of mythical and superstitious animals and beasts - perfect for 3-D treatment. I'm still absolutely sure it would be a great success.

What this round-about rave is getting to is, that one of my great discoveries doing this project was to find pop-up videos on youtube and such. These were little hand made videos of people opening and reading books with a video camera, and then adding a wondrous soundtrack as accompaniment.

This is more of your basic variety.

Other books credit a more professional quality, such as...

Pop-ups, you've got to love them.

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